For Teachers

Creative Writing Exercises

Building confident young readers and writers begins with making the writing process fun.

Doreen engages young students with highly interactive creative exercises that encourage authorship traits—developing worlds and universes where anything and everything can happen, as long as a writer can imagine it. Led by Doreen's passion, enthusiasm and sense of humor, students can't wait to create stories of their own!  

From a fun game called "What's Next?" to a circle-time story-palooza activity, Doreen engages students' natural creative instincts, sparking their imaginations, and helping to build confidence and creative writing skills.

Writing Skllls/Core Curriculum

Working with media specialists, librarians and teachers, Doreen can customize each school and library visit to complement students' reading and writing skills classwork. As part of the visit, Doreen can show how academic concepts related to storytelling and writing apply to Rodney's tale. Using story text and illustrations, Doreen explores how each element of a picture book creates meaning for a reader—helping each reader identify clues, make assumptions and draw conclusions about the story and its purpose. Best of all, students participate in interactive language arts lessons disguised as fun!